Before You G.R.O.W. Up (Class Workbook)
The A through E's of SEL
Our brilliant educators have always been tasked with instructing our students into academic excellence. Now, they are also being expected to integrate Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills and strategies into the classroom. Although SEL is very much needed in our schools, the community must play a pivotal role as well. Created specifically for high schoolers and undergraduate collegiate aged young men and women, this program can be used as a teaching tool in school districts as well as in the community. Non-profit organizations, church youth and young adult ministries, families, and other entities will benefit from improving our Social and Emotional Learning skills and strategies.
The Instructor’s Guide provides any facilitator with instructions for themselves as well as for the students. There are answer keys, facilitators notes, and opportunities for self-work. The Class Workbook is designed with additional writing space for participants to utilize hand-brain connection strategies to develop concepts and skills more deeply and effectively. Each participant should have their own class workbook.
Because Social and Emotional Learning is not just for children, adults are encouraged to participate as well. The competencies designed to be met by students need also be met by parents, grandparents, ministry leaders, educators, officers of the court, officers of the law, political officials, and the like. Many adults in our current culture and society have aged but not matured. We left grade school, but it did not leave us. We did not Graduate Ready to Occupy the World. SEL is designed to grow us up socially and emotionally. This curriculum challenges you to become proficient in your skills and strategies Before You G.R.O.W. Up.
Before You G.R.O.W. Up (Instructor's Guide)
The A through E's of SEL
Our brilliant educators have always been tasked with instructing our students into academic excellence. Now, they are also being expected to integrate Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills and strategies into the classroom. Although SEL is very much needed in our schools, the community must play a pivotal role as well. Created specifically for high schoolers and undergraduate collegiate aged young men and women, this program can be used as a teaching tool in school districts as well as in the community. Non-profit organizations, church youth and young adult ministries, families, and other entities will benefit from improving our Social and Emotional Learning skills and strategies.
The Instructor’s Guide provides any facilitator with instructions for themselves as well as for the students. There are answer keys, facilitators notes, and opportunities for self-work. The Class Workbook is designed with additional writing space for participants to utilize hand-brain connection strategies to develop concepts and skills more deeply and effectively. Each participant should have their own class workbook.
Because Social and Emotional Learning is not just for children, adults are encouraged to participate as well. The competencies designed to be met by students need also be met by parents, grandparents, ministry leaders, educators, officers of the court, officers of the law, political officials, and the like. Many adults in our current culture and society have aged but not matured. We left grade school, but it did not leave us. We did not Graduate Ready to Occupy the World. SEL is designed to grow us up socially and emotionally. This curriculum challenges you to become proficient in your skills and strategies Before You G.R.O.W. Up.